Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday Theme - Solar System, Part 3

Each Thursday I'll feature items that have a similar theme.  They might be quilts, books, or purses I made.  Or, they might be ceramics or other objects (not made by me) related to the theme.  If there are too many, I'll spread them out over multiple, but not always consecutive, posts.

Today we continue with a series of books I made on the solar system.  We are walking through the planets based on their proximity to the sun, going from closest to farthest.  In September, I introduced you to Mercury, Venus, and Earth.  In October we visited Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.  Today's journey takes us to Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Some of the books have riddles that I got from a children's book.  Sometimes the riddles gave me ideas for what the book should look like.   This is the cover of Uranus.

Now that you see the answer to the riddle, you can see (hopefully) that the form of the book is patterned after a Ferris Wheel.  To turn the pages, you flip them over on the rings.

A better view.

This is the envelope for Neptune, with a water theme, of course.  Lucky for me, the felt came with that shell embossing on the edge.

 Cover of Neptune peeking out of the envelope.

Centerfold with stamps and buttons.  The jumpy-things in the upper right are gummy candy.  I bought them to put on some Fishbowl cupcakes inspired by the book Hello, Cupcake! - but I never got around to making them.  Too busy making books.

This paper was nice and supple and  I was able to sew it on my sewing machine.  You may have noticed a line of stitching down the middle of the previous photo, and here you can see stitching on the edges.  The orbs are the pages in the book.

To read the book, pull out an orb (one of Neptune's 16 moons) and turn it over. 

This is a scary looking cover.  Pluto is so far away and so cold, that I picked this stark-looking paper.  I know that scientists don't consider Pluto to be a planet any more, but when I made the book there was still a healthy controversy.

Inside the book, back of the pages.

This is what it looks like as you flip through the book.  All the pages have words on the back, but the way they are attached to the accordian fold you sometimes have text and sometimes just the cold, shiny, metallic backside.

There's still one final segment in this series.  Look for it in December.  Until then, happy star gazing!!!

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