Sunday, November 25, 2012

More or Less

Hi and welcome back!  I missed you!

Since I started this blog in late August, I've learned a lot and had more fun than I ever anticipated.  But I've done very little new sewing / purse making / book making since then.  I've seen this happen with other bloggers.  Some slowly wind down; some stop altogether.  I don't want to be either one of those, so I decided I needed a new plan.
I spent last week catching up on some things and thinking.  Each time I did something, I found myself asking if I wanted to do more of it or if I wanted to do less of it.  Sometimes I didn't know what I wanted to do!   For example, I spent the first two days of my vacation cleaning.  I got on such a roll, and things were looking so clean and shiny, that I halfway wanted to keep at it the rest of the week.  Luckily, my husband set me straight on that being a bad idea!

In order to regain some balance in my life, I'm going to cut back from five posts a week.  Most of you don't check in every day and probably won't notice a difference.  I'll keep my same features (Not Just Another Pretty Face, Tea for Tuesday, Thursday Theme, Thursday is Purse Day, From the Vault), but in most cases you won't see all of them in the same week.  

By spending more time on new creations, I'll be sure to continue to fill my energy pie.  And I hope to have more of a balance of new to old on my blog.

This is an ad from the November 1935 issue of McCall's magazine.  I bought it last month on a trip to a vintage store.  It looks to me like these women are coming up with a new plan, too.  Autumn is a good time to start re-evaluating, what with the short days and all.

I'm excited for the future for me and, if you decide you need a new plan as well,  for you too!!

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