Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday Theme - Making Pie

Each Thursday I'll feature items that have a similar theme.  They might be quilts, books, or purses I made.  Or, they might be ceramics or other objects (not made by me) related to the theme.  If there are too many, I'll spread them out over multiple, but not always consecutive, posts.

Once upon a time I listened to a Career Track audio seminar called Life by Design.  The part that stayed with me the most is the story of the energy pie.  As Dr. Rick Brinkman explains, each of us starts the day with an energy pie.  Some mornings it is as small as a dinner mint and we spend it all just getting out of bed.  His point is that you can increase the size of your energy pie by doing things throughout the day that are exciting, fulfilling, restful, meaningful - anything that gets you charged up.  So if you wake up "on the wrong side of the bed", so to speak, don't let that set the tone for the rest of your day!

Sometimes when you're going to do a little baking, you want to wear an apron.  This is my Tomato Apron.  It's more than OK to wear Tomato Apron when baking pies, because tomatoes are the perfect "androgynous" food.  They are a metaphor for pies that can be made with either fruits (apple, blueberry, etc.) or vegetables (pumpkin, sweet potato, etc).  

Botanically speaking, tomatoes are fruit.  However, the Supreme Court (Nix v. Hedden, 1893) considers them a vegetable.  The Tariff Act of March 3, 1883 required that taxes be paid on imported vegetables, but not on imported fruit.  The Nix family filed suit to recover back duties paid under protest.  They argued that since tomatoes are botanically fruit, they are not subject to the tariff.  The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the "common" definitions of fruits and vegetables should apply.  Since most people consider tomatoes a vegetable, Nix lost.

If one is in the mood to wear an apron when baking, one might also be in the mood to go in a full-out old-fashioned mode by sifting the flour and then mixing the dough with a manual egg beater.  The sifter is from my super-exciting vintage weekend shopping last month.  The egg beater came from my ironing board trip.

Just the thing to store/bake your apple pie in.  

And don't forget about feeding your energy pie!

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