Sunday, October 28, 2012

Not Just Another Pretty Face

Each Sunday, I'll take a break from the material aspects of this blog and spend a little time looking at the finer points of pigdom.  Most people probably appreciate the ham and bacon side of pigs; little do they know they have a deeper side as well.  

We'll start the week with a peek into the favorite quotes of thoughtful pigs and also learn a pig factoid (pigoid?) in a feature called Pigipedia.

The pig family first materialized during the Oligocene Epoch (23-37 million years ago), with a giant hog known as Entelodont.  Bony knobs on their head were located around their eyes and other delicate parts of the skull to protect them during fights.

As large as a cow, it evolved into two distinct branches of the piglike family.  Peccaries still exist in southwest United States and South America, while Old World pigs continued to develop in Africa and Eurasia.  The Old World wild boar is thought to be the direct ancestor of all varieties of the domestic pig. 

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