Sunday, October 7, 2012

Not Just Another Pretty Face

Each Sunday, I'll take a break from the material aspects of this blog and spend a little time looking at the finer points of pigdom.  Most people probably appreciate the ham and bacon side of pigs; little do they know they have a deeper side as well.  We'll start the week with a peek into the favorite quotes of thoughtful pigs and also learn a pig factoid (pigoid?) in a feature called Pigipedia.

In a 1954 U.S. government H-bomb test, animals were put on ships anchored near Bikini Atoll.  After the blast, one of the sows, "Pig 311", dove off the ship and swam through radioactive waters to shore.  After she was retrieved, she lived the rest of her life in the Washington zoo, where scientists were puzzled to find she was sterile.

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