Each Sunday, I'll take a
break from the material aspects of this blog and spend a little time
looking at the finer points of pigdom. Most people probably appreciate
the ham and bacon side of pigs; little do they know they have a deeper
side as well.
We'll start the week with a peek into the favorite quotes
of thoughtful pigs and also learn a pig factoid (pigoid?) in a feature
called Pigipedia.
In 1983, a swimming pig named Priscilla saved a young boy from drowning in Lake Somerville, Texas. Acquired as a piglet, she was considered as much a pet as a family dog. Neighborhood children taught her to come running when they called to her from the fence. She was inducted into the Texas Pet Hall of Fame and was invited to do the Johnny Carson show. The owners regretfully had to decline, since "it was too hot to take Priscilla on an airplane."
She later developed a drug problem because she liked eating the morning glory plants at her home. She was sent to a farm in San Marcos to detoxify. She returned home (with a newly produced son!) for awhile, but eventually returned to the farm where she died of old age.
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