Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Filigree is another 12-inch square quilt with an autumn theme.  I made five of these little quilts this summer and decided everything about little quilts appealed to me.  I like littleness.  I like completing one project before moving on to the next.  These little quilts come together in a matter of days, so you don't get tired of working on them and find yourself tempted to start another, theoretically more fun, quilt.  You can get goofy/silly with them all the easier because the small size isn't intimidating.  

Filigree isn't a goofy/silly quilt, although I do have a couple of them coming up in the next month or so. 

Filigree was so named because I wanted to evoke the sense of a decomposing leaf with its framework of veins left behind.  This quilt is fused, reverse applique.  I traced the leaf shape on the back of the multi-color batik, then carefully cut it out.  The multi-batik was then fused to the green batik.  I free-motioned "veins" on the leaf and did echo quilting on the background.

The background batik feels like it drew all the layers of pigment from the leaf and the sky and then just dropped them, higgeldy-piggeldy.

 Now it's playing a supporting role, along with its friend, Autumn As It Oughta Be, to the multi-colored kalanchoe.


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