Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday Theme - Dress Forms

Before we get into today's theme, it would be good to begin where it all started - Batter Up!  I'll wait for you while you read that post...

All right then, let's see what we've got.  I was right.  It did lead to the start of a dress form collection.

 This was the first one.  I believe it's a pin cushion, but wouldn't that just seem like sticking pins into a voodoo doll?  Can't do it.

This is the second one.  Feels Parisian.

Remember my Wonky Donky block from yesterday?  Here it is with its dress form friends, cut from a panel of RJR Fabrics' Lil' Miss Sew & Sew by Dan Morris.  Now you can see how the colors in that log cabin block look fine once you see it in context with the rest of the fabric.  Three more blocks to make, then some special treatment for the sides in order to make a rectangular wall hanging.  

And here's the finished product you read about in Batter Up!  Size is 24 inches wide and 32 inches tall.  It's needle-turn applique and I used a backstitch for the letters with six strands of embroidery floss.

Of the ten fabrics I originally pulled, I used seven and introduced two new ones.  I decided to use the same hot pink on both sides of the skirt to give it boundaries so the eye wouldn't wander off.  I like having a framed version of this, instead of doing the traditional quilted wallhanging.  Not only did it save me the quilting, but it's a nice contrast to what you usually see in a frame.

I have hazy plans for other dress form thingies in the sort-of near future.  How's that for a goal?  I'll keep you in the loop.


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