Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Change of Plans on That Teapot

I never really liked that teapot I planned on Sunday.  The block, including the background, was only 4" tall and a little over 6" wide.  Plus it was a paper pieced pattern with 39 pieces in 5 units, just in the teapot!!!!  Ridiculous, right?  I could have enlarged the pattern, but it seemed like too much work.

Besides, I wasn't thrilled with my fabric selection.  It was hard to find fabric with such a small-scale print, and I didn't want to do solids, so that's why I wound up with those three fabrics.

So instead of sewing a teapot, I dragged my feet on that project and instead rearranged my sewing room for about the billionth time, which always cheers me up.

During the night, I decided to make the teapot from this book, instead.  I have this old edition of Cups and Saucers, published in 2000.  The new edition from 2014 has a prettier cover.

This paper-pieced teapot is a 6" block with 15 pieces in just one unit - super easy to make.  I enlarged it to a 8" block, also super easy because it's just one piece of paper and I don't have to worry about matching seams across units.

This teapot is more streamlined and not as curvy as the other pattern, so I'm making it interesting by using five fabrics instead of three.

First thing this morning I went to my sewing room and made the teapot.  But since it's a one-block quilt, I don't want to show it until it's completely done.

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