I thought I was Done with My Rocking Chair after I worked so hard on it. But the first thing I did in my mission to warm up, was pull off those cold white/pink/aqua cushion covers. Even though I had sewn the top cover on, I couldn't get those stitches out fast enough. Now that I'm no longer allergic to brown, I decided the chair looked fine once I added a new throw and dug out an old pillow that was in the closet. Now I want to snuggle in here and do some embroidery.
Then I brought my mango-colored bookshelf up from the basement, to warm up the white furniture. I got tired of this color last year and almost repainted it this year. I'm glad I didn't. My Retro Lamp looks perfect on it.

I swapped out my aluminum for warm pottery.
When I was on a decluttering binge this summer, I wanted to give all my yarn away. Are you sure?, my husband asked. So I kept my favorites. I pulled them out of the bag in the basement, removed the fabric that was in these cubbyholes, and now the yarn has a place of honor.
Mmm. My prettiest flannels. I should make something out of them before spring comes around again.
These were also in the basement and they came upstairs to add a warm splash of color.
Glass eyes and collar make this cat right at home amongst the bottles, and I don't have to worry about any breakage.
Later this week, I'll have to show you that table runner that's peeking out; you'll see why I paired it with this machine.
And here are the strips for My Next Project. Looks like I'm finally all warmed up and on my way.
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