Thursday, March 6, 2014

Leah Duncan Ladder

Last week I went to The Sewcial Lounge to buy some Leah Duncan fabric.  I left with a couple of ideas I wanted to incorporate in my sewing room.  First, the fabric.

These are all by Leah Duncan for Art Gallery Fabrics.  Some are from her first collection, Tule; some are from her second collection, Meadow.

In my opinion, Art Gallery is one of the best fabric companies around.  Not only do they have extremely  high-quality fabric with a beautiful hand, they have a lively blog, and do a fabulous job supporting and promoting their fabric designers.

In Leah's case, there's a Tule video and a Meadow lookbook.

The Sewcial Lounge uses vintage ladders to display fabric.  I liked that idea a lot, and spent several days trying to come up with something similar without spending any money.  I tried ladders from the garage - nope!  I tried making do with other ladderlike objects laying around and finally gave in to a trip to a home improvement store.  

After considering many options, some of them totally out-of-the-box, I settled on a package of six 6-foot wooden garden stakes.  My husband built two "ladders" for me for less than $7.  The best part is, he custom made them to the exact height and width I needed.

The ladders are nice and light, yet strong enough to hold these half-yard cuts.

I didn't plan on buying so much Leah Duncan when I entered the store.  I was only going to buy material for this tunic.  You know how that goes.

The other thing that was a wow factor for me at The Sewcial Lounge was her display of new fabric.  As soon as you walk into the store, you see a large table tastefully and invitingly arranged with new items.  

That got my adrenaline going and my brain to  thinking.  Wouldn't it be nice to see something like that every time I walk into my sewing room?, I asked myself.   I didn't have room for a separate table, but I do have room for the two ladders.  They're leaning against either side of the entryway, hung with the new fabric.  So inviting!!! 


  1. Hi Janet, What a lovely post! I am so glad that you find inspiration in our shop and that you have incorporated it into your home! Very ingenious on making your own "ladder"! Hope to see you again soon. Thanks for all your support! -S

    1. There's a lot of things I like about your shop, and one of them is the personal attention you give your customers. Also, your classes are unique, fun, and just the right size. I need to take the piped pillow class soon!

  2. Thanks Janet! I am very lucky to be doing what I love and to have such great customers!


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