When I think about it, I realize I sort and store my fabric according to favorites. And the favorites are usually the ones I bought most recently. For some reason, probably irrational, I don't like to mix them all together. I have five separate storage areas (for now).
This is where I keep my favorites, in a brand new open-sided faux birdcage. I have other favorites that are already in project buckets, too.
A detail from one of the shelves.
My second-favorite group is kept in large baskets. These are all candidates for the front of quilts.
On my orange bookcase is where I keep my third-favorite group, arranged by color. Some of these might be on a quilt top, but most will be pieced into backs.
To make me like these fabrics more, I bookended them with some fun color-coded accessories. This napkin holder is metal. I like painted metal very much.
The Leah Duncan fabric in the orange metal pail should really be in the bird cage with my favorites, but it looks pretty displayed like this.
I don't have very much purple fabric.
You've seen this blue teapot before.
Lots of green, so it got stacked.
Blacks and whites.
Reds and pinks.
My fourth-favorite group is large yardage that I keep in a white wire basket. This isn't very attractive, so I keep it stashed away so I don't really see it.
And then at the bottom of the heap, the fifth group consists of very old fat quarters, totally out of favor, that I use for practicing free motion quilting. This group isn't even allowed in my sewing room. I keep it in a chest of drawers in another room.
So this is how my fabric storage looks today, but since I change things around in there all the time, no doubt it won't last long. In fact, a little tweaking has already taken place since I took these photos last week.
Now I think I'll stop moving fabric around, and go so sew.
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