Friday, July 4, 2014

Another Day, Another Prairie

Yesterday's walk was in a different prairie, and although it was only a few miles from last week's prairie, the native flowers and grasses were somewhat different.

The trails are narrow enough that you can't walk three abreast.  I like to walk behind, so the cobwebs are already broken.

Foxtail Barley

Foxtail Barley


Another clump, fully open.

Black-eyed Susan, playing peek-a-boo.

Black-eyed Susan, not quite fully open, with a furry-looking, one-dimensional center.

  Later in its life cycle, with the center grown into two layers.

A perfect specimen, full open, next to delicate Prairie Dropseed grass.

Red clover.  I used to eat this when I was young.  You pull off each individual purple segment, and the white part that is the "stem" is where all the sugar is.

Ox-eye Daisy and a little white bug.

I'm learning lots of flower, grass, and bird names, but I call all of these guys mushrooms.  I need to work on that.


  1. Janet, what beautiful photography. Chris

  2. Thanks Chris! There's new ones blooming this week, so I need to get the camera out there again.


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