Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Pink Singer

A few months ago, I saw that Jo-Ann Fabrics had inexpensive sewing machines in pink, aqua, and yellow.  They were all lined up on display, one color just as pretty as the next.  However, I had no need of one.

But when they went on sale, I realized I did need one after all.  After much thought on the color, I went with pink.  I already have lots of pink in my sewing room, so it seemed like the logical choice.

As soon as I got it home, I got it set up and tried it out.

Things were going well until I encountered the front-loading bobbin.  I was able to wind the bobbin, and knew how to get the bobbin case in and out.   But the threading directions regarding how to pull the bobbin thread through the bobbin case were incomprehensible to me.  All they had was a picture and the parts didn't look the same.

I eventually wandered over to YouTube and found just what I needed to make it work.

I bought this pink metal box at a garage sale a few weeks ago, just because of the color.  It's the perfect size to store the foot pedal in.

Speaking of the foot pedal.  After I had everything threaded and everything plugged in, I stepped on the pedal.  No action on the sewing machine other than a very loud sort of groaning noise, which scared me.  Foot off the pedal to reconsider.  Foot back on the pedal.  More scary noises.  Holy cow, not sure what to do.  Foot back on the pedal, this time flooring it.  Success!  Guess it just needed more power.

So I sewed a few stitches, admired the tension, then moved the pretty pink Singer to a cabinet top.  It didn't cost much more than toy sewing machines I've seen in antique malls.   And that's how I justified my need - not quite, but almost a toy.  And definitely decorative.

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