Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Tablecloth for My Writing Desk

I have two desks - one I use with my computer; the other I use when doing longhand writing.  Used for different purposes, I like them to have different looks and feels.

This is my writing desk - a nice $5 find at a garage sale years ago.  Simple black, and the only change I've made over the years is to swap out the drawer pull to match whatever the desk happens to be sitting next to.  It's not that I move the desk that much, more like the decorating around it is a moving target.

My new favorite color is mint green.  This year I picked up lots of mint green accessories: wall clock, desk lamp, rolling cart, and lots of baskets.  I recently consolidated all of them together in this one room.  And since the room gets a lot of sun, I wanted to cover up the hot black wood with a cool-colored tablecloth.

These are the blocks I picked out from my first layer cake.  I chose twenty of the blue, green, and grey, plus one pink.

I added the pink strips to tie in with my stool.  This tufted and well-padded ottoman is so comfortable that it's the best seat in the house.   

There's also a little bit of pink in the ribbon board (not sure what you really call those things), where I like to stick notes.  These ribbon boards are so much easier than push pins on a bulletin board, plus I don't have to worry about the dog scarfing up any that might drop to the floor.

In case you're wondering about my color sense, I know this desk lamp is turquoise.  The mint green one is elsewhere in the room.

Not all of the blocks are visible, because the desk is tucked in next to a bookcase and other furniture.  Since all the fabric is non-directional, I can turn the cloth around and see different sides if I ever feel like it.  

But right now when I belly up to it, this is what I see.  Much cozier than a slab of black paint.

And here I am, all set up for some longhand writing.

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