Thursday, June 18, 2015

Look What the Dog Did

Yesterday morning after walking the dog, I decided we should do a little yard work.  I scared up a very young baby rabbit while the dog was looking elsewhere.  Seeing where this could head, I put the dog in the house to keep him out of mischief.

After finishing my yard work, I came in the house to find this, not the way I normally store my safety pins.  Somehow the dog managed to flip this cabinet upside down and spill the pins into a tangled mess.

It wouldn't have been much of a problem at all, except for I had two drawers of carefully segregated safety pins - the bent ones that I use for pin basting, and the straight ones that I dip into only when I run out of the bent ones.

So here they were, nicely comingled like peas and carrots, embedded in a loopy Berber carpet.

As Jake Worthington likes to say. "ain't nothing to it but do it".  I set to work on my sorting, on hands and knees on the carpet.  The easiest way was to grab a small handful and drop them - splat - onto a mat board, in order to loosen them up a little bit.

I'm pleased to let you know that our dog was peacefully napping nearby, throughout this process.

28 minutes later, order had been restored.  

Next step - throw out the straight pins and buy another bag of the bent pins so I'll always have enough for pin basting, and won't waste another 28 minutes of my life if this happens again.

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