Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Little Cypress Tree - After

This was a pretty quick project, after all.  Maybe that's because after I started working on the back side, I decided to just do the front, instead.

I put the green ladder yarn on first, but it blended in too much, so I used the orange instead.  There wasn't anything light enough to put at the very top.  I even tried stickers, but they wouldn't stick.

The gingerbread people are buttons.  I used them on other projects, but this was the first time I noticed there were gingerbread men and gingerbread women.

I found a use for the bulb beads after all.  Then I used some variegated yarn to add a little color to the pot.

Here is where it's living.

When I bought the plant, I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep the burlap pot cover or not.  I tried a ceramic pot, but it looked too cold.  Now I think that they used burlap to make it look like a burlap-wrapped tree root.  And I like the way it matches my retro rafia mug.

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